


Austin Office

4407 Bee Cave Rd.
Suite 421
West Lake Hills, TX 78746

Office (512) 505-8148
Fax (888) 686-3430

houston Office

1095 Evergreen Circle
Suite 408
The Woodlands, TX 77380

Office (512) 505-8148
Fax (888) 686-3430

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Privacy Policy

Without explicit approval from a client, Avondale will not share any personal information or account details with any person or entity other than those that we have direct affiliation with (e.g. Fidelity Investments, Purshe Kaplan Sterling Investments).

Download the Privacy Policy PDF

Form ADV Part 2

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires that all Registered Investment Advisors file a disclosure brochure known as a Form ADV Part 2. This document discloses to clients and prospective clients detailed information about the firm including backgrounds, education, affiliations, and fee structure. This document is updated yearly and distributed to clients post every filing.

Download FORM ADV Part 2A / Download FORM ADV Part 2B

Form ADV Part 3

The SEC requires that all Registered Investment Advisors file a disclosure known as a customer or client relationship summary (also called Form CRS) and provide this document to retail investors.  This document contains important information about the advisor, including the types of services offered, the fees, conflicts of interest, and required standard of conduct.   The relationship summary is designed to assist retail investors with the process of deciding whether to establish an investment advisory relationship, engage a particular firm, or to terminate or change a relationship or specific service.